Kamis, 13 Februari 2014

Oil Spill Dispersant

Brand : IPAC-OSD

IPAC-OSD is a chemical compound specially to eliminate and remove oil spill on water. It is not harmful for sea animal. 

•Clean up oil spill on sea water and fresh water
•Clean up oil spill in industrial field
 •Clean up oil spill on decks / floor on ship

•No poison, safely to ecological.
•Emulsifies effectively in dissolve with water
•Not easily flammable

At Sea 
-Spray to oils spilled on the sea surface with ratio 1:30 -Assistance of a tug boat equipped with portside and starboard booms will be needed to boost mixing.
-Mixing could be done by the rotation of the ships propeller.
 On Shore 
 Spray IPAC-OSD on the oil spill with ratio 1:30

Spec. Gravity : 1,02
Boiling Point : 100°C
Appearance : Clearly

Avoid eyes contact. It is recommended to always use coveralls and gloves.

 Distribution by

CV. Pratama abadi Chemical Bekasi
ph: 02133548256, 082110225402
fax: 0218816578